Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by bees. I was and still am, very passionate about these tireless workers and a great lover of their output: nutritious honey!
As the years went by, I grew conscious of the effects environmental pollution has on bee populations. The bee numbers shrank, as their natural world became more & more polluted by the day.
I now spend all my free time and energy needed to put my passion for beekeeping into practice. I created this page to share my expertise in beekeeping with bee lovers around the world and help them take their first professional steps with confidence!
Bee Kind & Help Bees Thrive!
If you’re just starting with beekeeping, you definitely need guidance on exploring this new exciting world. And this is exactly what I am offering: first-hand experience from a passionate beekeeper and guaranteed success in your beekeeping!
Here’s What You‘ll Learn:
- What beekeeping entails, so that you can start on the right foot
- The different types of bees you can use & their hives
- The best locations to place the hives, for your bees’ wellbeing
- The essential beekeeper’s gear: beekeeping suit, bee smoker, honey extractor & other tools
- How to choose the right equipment at a pocket-friendly price
- All details of producing various types of honey
I am offering you the key to unlocking the door to the fantastic bee universe and turning you from a beginner into a pro beekeeper!
So, whether you‘re looking to complement your income, or you just want to make the world a bit brighter for bees, this page is for you! Because by helping the bees thrive, WE thrive as well!
Welcome To My Page!